Fourth Grade ELA
Upcoming Events
Current Unit of Study
Academic Expectations
➢ Independent Reading at Level S or above
➢ Informational, Opinion, Narrative Writing Piece all at a Level 2 or above
➢ End of Units Assessments averaged at a Level 2: 65% or above
➢ Simulations: Reading Comprehension & Short answers response averaged at level 2: 65% or above
➢ Endline Assessment: 65% or above
➢ State Exam: Level 2 or above
Department Supervisor
Mr. Peters
ELA Department Teachers
Ms. Carter: (M-09) -
Ms. Bininger: (M-04) -
Mrs. Dennis: (M-04) -
Ms. Sharon Brown: (Remote) -
Ms. Woods: (Remote) -
Module 1 - Module 1.pdf
Unit 1 - Reading and Analyzing Poetry: Love That Dog and Famous Poems
Unit 2 - Writing to Inform: What Inspires Writers to Write Poetry?
Unit 3 - Writing to Entertain: Poetry
Module 2 - Module 2.pdf
Unit 1 - Building Background Knowledge: Animal Defenses and the Research Process
Unit 2 - Using Writing to Inform
Unit 3 - Using Writing to Entertain
Module 3 -
Unit 1 - Perspectives on the American Revolution: Building Background Knowledge
Unit 2 - Perspectives on the American Revolution: Perspectives in Literature
Unit 3 - Using Writing to Share an Opinion
Module 4 -
Unit 1 - Building Background Knowledge: Reading about and Analyzing Events in The Hope Chest
Unit 2 - Analyzing Characters and How Their Actions Contribute to Theme: Reading and Analyzing The Hope Chest